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TopFranchise.ru - официальный сайт лучших франчайзинг предложения в России

Franchising in Russia. Vasil Gazizulin, Luca Balestrieri

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Franchising in Russia. Real talk about the opportunities in Russian market.<br>
Luca Balestrieri is Italian business lawer and <br>
Vasil Gazizulin the CEO of Topfranchise are talking about how huge is the potential of Russian market. <br>
Topfranchise is the best franchise catalog in Russia. <br>
Topfranchise is a professional team of franchise experts, lawers and sales experts - we setup a legal base for Russian market and can start selling your franchise in Russia and 12 CIS Countries.</p>

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<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" rel="nofollow" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Qf7QA-rJZO4?rel=0"></iframe></div><br>

<p class="large_text"><b><i>Learn more about <a href="/franchising-in-russia/ ">Franchising in Russia</a></i></b></p>
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